KHI Awards - K-Electric


The KE annual KHI Awards seek to honour and support organisations that are making a significant impact on the city of Karachi, its people, and environment. Learn about the projects KE supported in 2024 here.


The Awards encompass 14 categories that cover a diverse range of areas that impact Karachi. Please select the category that is best aligned with your organisation’s project*.

*Please note that you can only apply for one category per project. However, as an organisation, you can apply for up to two categories for two separate projects.




Any Administration expenses given in the project budget must have a supporting justification. Such expenses cannot exceed 10% of the total project budget, nor can they include salaries and staff expenses. POC will be responsible for marketing and communication related aspects including but not limited to facilitating the KE team as and where required for the Awards application. Any justified exception to any documentation requirements above for any organisations may be allowed by the jury at the time of assessing the application for Awards.


KE reserves the right to re-categorise entries, split/redefine categories of Awards and/or refuse entry in the Awards application process at any time. Further, KE reserves the right to accept or reject any or all the nominations/applications for Awards and/or annul the entire process of grant of Awards without assigning any reason whatsoever. KE shall not be liable for any expenses and/or costs incurred by the interested parties/organisations as a result thereof. In no circumstances will KE be liable for any cost, expense, loss, claim or damage arising out or in connection with an applicant/organisation’s participation in this process for grant of Awards, or any subsequent process/documentation in relation thereto. KE shall not be liable for any costs incurred by any applicant/organisation in the preparation and submission of the application for Awards. The submission of an application for Awards does not give rise to any commitment or legal relationship between KE and any applicant/organisation.


Please click on the following link to apply for the Awards: Click here

Please click on the following link to download presentation format: Click here


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