K-Electric Restores Power Supply for Baba & Bhitt Island

K-Electric Restores Power Supply for Baba & Bhitt Island

Assurance of payment was made by community representatives for PKR 190 Million Default – KE Spokesperson

Karachi, 18th May 2016: K-Electric has released a press statement in which the power utility has provided details of recent disconnections of Baba and Bhitt Islands which took place on the 16th of May. According to details the power utility had earlier disconnected the two islands due to rising outstanding dues, decreasing paying ratio and low recovery.

Spokesperson K-Electric said that the dues from these 2 islands had crossed the PKR 190 Million mark which was a concern for K-Electric and its operations. Despite notices and repeated appeals, the residents of the two islands refuse to pay or settle their dues. The recovery ratio for monthly bills for Baba Island was as low as 16% which is a cause of concern whereas Bhitt Island has three dedicated PMTs which also have a low paying ratio.

After the islands were disconnected, senior representatives from the community approached K-Electric and assured the power utility of settling their payments and dues, after which KE representatives reconnected their power supply.

It is also pertinent to mention that the protest by the said community on the 17th of May at NT JT is primarily a pressure tactics, and KE has requested the stakeholders, including media for taking a notice of the same in a realistic manner. K Electric is trying its best to provide good services to the consumers of Karachi, where factions of electricity theft areas, non –bill paying communities and related mafia are one of the major causes of operational faults and power disruption and put additional load shed for other bill paying honest communities.

Spokesperson added that even in the past representatives from the islands had assured KE of payments, but to no avail, so we are hopeful they fulfil their promise and undertaking and ensure timely payments of their dues.