Tackling the hot spell: k-electric partners with karachi relief trust, aman foundation & voice of karachi

Tackling the hot spell: k-electric partners with karachi relief trust, aman foundation & voice of karachi

Water bottles, ORS packets, caps amongst maximum support to be provided to the relief camps: Spokesperson

Karachi, May 23rd, 2016: K-Electric has partnered with Karachi Relief Trust, Aman Foundation, and Voice of Karachi to provide pre-emptive relief and support to the public during the upcoming hot spells in the summer.

K-Electric (KE) has committed to support Voice of Karachi (VoK) as they set up sabeels in different locations of Karachi. The support includes water coolers, stands, glasses and other awareness material. KE is also providing awareness messages, water bottles, packets of ORS and caps to the relief and mobile camps being set up by Aman Foundation and Karachi Relief Trust.

While speaking about the initiative, KE’s spokesperson said, “KE considers itself as a valued part of the community and believes in giving back to the society. We are collaborating with multiple stakeholders to provide relief to the people of Karachi. The company runs various public service campaigns throughout the year to educate the general public and impacts 3.4 million people through our social investment programmes.”

In line with the direction given by the Pakistan Medical Association, the power utility has advised the citizens of Karachi to adopt precautionary safety measures especially increasing their intake of water and/or ORS to stay hydrated, stay under shaded spots and opt for lightweight clothing.