KE refutes Rs 27 Billion defaulter KWSB’s latest allegations; No Load-shedding nor interruption at any pumping station – KE

KE refutes Rs 27 Billion defaulter KWSB’s latest allegations; No Load-shedding nor interruption at any pumping station – KE

Karachi, 17th February 2014: K-Electric, formerly KESC has strongly refuted and denied the latest allegations made by the MD KWSB in certain sections of the press, in which he blamed KE for providing interrupted power supply to the pumping stations of KWSB.

In a press statement, spokesman KE (K-Electric) said ‘KWSB making such perfidious and deceitful comments is nothing new, as KE has been providing un-interrupted power supply to all the pumping stations of KWSB in honor of the judgment passed by the Sind High Court.’

KE’s press statement clarified that in certain situations whether it is a breakdown of power supply or any other fault, KE prioritizes KWSB’s feeders and immediately provides electricity through alternate sources, despite the KWSB being a defaulter of PKR 27 Billion.

Statement added that almost a month back there was a minor fault at one of the pumping stations and within 1 hour KE resumed KWSB’s power supply through alternate sources, but KWSB on that occasion misinformed media personnel saying that Karachi’s water supply was badly disrupted due to a major breakdown. KE’s spokesman said that it is ‘impossible’ that a 1-hour breakdown could create a water shortage that drastic.

Spokesman said, ‘KWSB’s obsolete and worn out internal cables have been an issue for quite some time due to which internal faults at the pumping stations precipitate again and again.’

KE’s press statement also said that instead of putting their incompetence on KE, KWSB should improve its own system as providing water supply to Karachi is their responsibility and not KE’s. KWSB to date does not have an alternate source itself, whereas illegal water hydrants along with water tankers operate openly throughout the city having endless water supply with them.

KE has also asked its media friends to investigate why KWSB has water supply disruptions whereas the illegal water-hydrants have uninterrupted water supply.