Gas Curtailment, Low Gas Pressure Adversely Impact KE’s Generation Capability

Gas Curtailment, Low Gas Pressure Adversely Impact KE’s Generation Capability

KARACHI, Feb 20: According to a notification released by K- Electric (Formerly KESC), SSGC has come down to supply only 70 MMCFD gas to KE, which is very low against KE’s summer requirement. This curtailment of gas that has adversely impacted power generation is in complete violation of the Government’s Gas Allocation Policy under which power sector comes on second highest priority after residential consumers

Furthermore, pressure of the gas supplied to K-Electric power generation plants is low due to which various gas-fired plants at Korangi, SITE and Bin Qasim are not able to operate at their optimum capacity. Due to the prevalent dismal gas supply situation, KE’s generation capability is severely and adversely impacted. The electricity demand for Karachi is now increasing in view of the changing weather conditions and to meet this high demand KE requires stable and adequate supply of gas.’

KE has expressed concerns that the continuing gas curtailment may lead to increase in load shedding hours across all consumer segments including industrial zones. KE said that SSGC had been supplying to fertilizer sector instead of the Government’s clear policy to first fulfill power sector requirements. KE has demanded the government to immediately intervene and increase gas supply so that the gas-fired generation capacity of the power utility could be fully utilized for the benefit of 20 million people of Karachi