Tariff Structure - K-Electric


The Latest Applicable Tariff is notified by the Government of Pakistan, vide Notification no. SRO 575 dated May 22, 2019, SRO 1037 dated October 12, 2020, SRO 192 dated February 12, 2021, SRO 1429 dated November 5, 2021, SRO 1004 dated July 7, 2022, SRO 1175 dated July 25, 2022, SRO 977 dated July 27, 2023, and SRO 1035 dated July 12, 2024. Click here to download SRO 575. Click here to download SRO 1037. Click here to download SRO 192. Click here to download SRO 1429. Click here to download SRO 1004. Click here to download SRO 1175. Click here to download SRO 977. Click here to download SRO 1035.


Click here to view Fuel Cost Adjustment of KE approved and issued by NEPRA for the month of April 2024.

Click here to view Fuel Cost Adjustment of KE approved and issued by NEPRA from July 2023 to March 2024
Click here to view Fuel Cost Adjustment of KE approved and issued by NEPRA for the month of June 2023.
Click here to view Fuel Cost Adjustment of KE approved and issued by NEPRA for the month of May 2023.
Click here to view Fuel Cost Adjustment of KE approved and issued by NEPRA for the month of April 2
Click here to view Fuel Cost Adjustment of KE approved and issued by NEPRA for the month of March 2023.
Click here to view Fuel Cost Adjustment of KE approved and issued by NEPRA for the month of February 2023.
Click here to view Fuel Cost Adjustment of KE approved and issued by NEPRA for the month of January 2023.
Click here to view Fuel Cost Adjustment of KE approved and issued by NEPRA for the month of December 2022.
Click here to view Fuel Cost Adjustment of KE approved and issued by NEPRA for the month of November 2022.
Click here to view Fuel Cost Adjustment of KE approved and issued by NEPRA for the month of October 2022.
Click here to view Fuel Cost Adjustment of KE approved and issued by NEPRA for the month of September 2022.
Click here to view Fuel Cost Adjustment of KE approved and issued by NEPRA for the month of August 2022.
Click here to view Fuel Cost Adjustment of KE approved and issued by NEPRA for the month of July 2022.
Click here to view Fuel Cost Adjustment of KE approved and issued by NEPRA for the month of June 2022.
Click here to view Fuel Cost Adjustment of KE approved and issued by NEPRA for the month of May 2022.
Click here to view Fuel Cost Adjustment of KE approved and issued by NEPRA for the month of April 2022.
Click here to view Fuel Cost Adjustment of KE approved and issued by NEPRA for the month of March 2022.
Click here to view Fuel Cost Adjustment of KE approved and issued by NEPRA for the month of February 2022.
Click here to view Fuel Cost Adjustment of KE approved and issued by NEPRA for the month of January 2022.
Click here to view Fuel Cost Adjustment of KE approved and issued by NEPRA for the month of December 2021.
Click here to view Fuel Cost Adjustment of KE approved and issued by NEPRA for the month of November 2021.
Click here to view Fuel Cost Adjustment of KE approved and issued by NEPRA for the month of October 2021.
Click here to view Fuel Cost Adjustment of KE approved and issued by NEPRA for the month of September 2021.
Click here to view Fuel Cost Adjustment of KE approved and issued by NEPRA for the month of August 2021.
Click here to view Fuel Cost Adjustment of KE approved and issued by NEPRA for the month of July 2021.
Click here to view Fuel Cost Adjustment of KE approved and issued by NEPRA for the period January 2021 till June 2021.
Click here to view Fuel Cost Adjustment of KE approved and issued by NEPRA for the period June 2020 till December 2020.
Click here to view Fuel Cost Adjustment of KE approved and issued by NEPRA for the period July 2019 till May 2020.
Click here to view Fuel Cost Adjustment of KE approved and issued by NEPRA for the period July 2016 till June 2019.

You can learn more about the FCA Calculation and how it will be applied by going through our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs).

For any further clarity or queries, customers can refer to Tariff Queries section under FAQs page on KE website or approach KE via its call-center 118, through KE’s Facebook and Twitter social media platforms or visit any of KE’s 30 Customer Care Centers across Karachi.

Electricity Duty* Domestic = 1.5% /Commercial = 2% /Industrial = 1.5% /Bulk Supply=2% & Agricultural = 1% of Variable Charges
General Sales TaxConsumers are subject to General Sales Tax at the rates specified under the Sale Tax Act, 1990
Income TaxIndustrial, commercial and residential consumers are also subject to Income Tax under Section 235 of the Income Tax Ordinance 2001 (Ordinance) as per mechanism stated in Part-IV, Division IV of the First Schedule to the Ordinance. Residential consumers whose name appears on active taxpayers list are not subject to tax under Section 235 of the Ordinance.Details on applicable tax as per ITO are as under:

1) Industrial & Commercial connections:
Gross amount of billedTax rate
Upto Rs. 500Rs. 0
exceeds Rs. 500 but does not exceed Rs. 20,00010% of the amount (between 500 and 20,000)
exceeds Rs.20,000Rs. 1,950 plus 12% of the amount exceeding Rs. 20,000 for commercial consumersRs. 1,950 plus 5% of the amount exceeding Rs. 20,000 for industrial consumers
2) Residential Connections:
Gross amount of billedTax
if the amount of monthly bill is less than Rs 25,000/0%
if the amount of monthly bill is Rs,25,000/- or more7.5%

*The advance tax shall not be collected from such residential customers which appears on “Active taxpayers” list on FBR.

TV License Fee
Domestic@ Rs. 35/= per TV Set
Commercial / Industrial@ Rs. 60/= per TV Set
Time of Use (ToU)Peak Time

April – October6:30 PM to 10:30 PM
November – March6:00 PM to 10:00 PM

Off-Peak Time

Remaining 20 Hours

Pending FCA

FCA variations filed with NEPRA and pending for determination. These will be charged to consumers in future.

Consumption MonthPKR/kWh
May 20242.53
June 20242.92

Note: Amounts may vary as per NEPRA’s decision and the months in which FCA will be billed to consumers will be determined by NEPRA.

Terms & Conditions for Tariff

Pending Quarterly Variations

Quarterly Variations filed with NEPRA and pending for determination.

Quarterly Variation Variation Filed Date of Filing
Apr 2023 to Jun 20233.217August 04, 2023

Note: Quarterly Variations filed with NEPRA and pending for determination. Quarterly variation for the period July 2023 and onwards would be filed with NEPRA post determination of MYT for the period starting July 01, 2023. Considering uniform tariff policy, the impact of these variations is expected to fall in Tariff Differential Subsidy and final decision in this regard will be taken by GoP post determination by NEPRA.

Quarterly Tariff Determinations – Pending notification by MoE

Quarterly VariationVariationReference Decision
For the QuarterApplicable QuarterPKR / kWh
Jul 16 to Sep 16Oct 16 to Dec 16(0.16)NEPRA’s decision on quarterly tariff variation December 31, 2019
Oct 16 to Dec 16Jan 17 to Mar 172.73
Jan 17 to Mar 17Apr 17 to Jun 17(0.97)
Apr 17 to Jun 17Jul 17 to Sep 17(2.23)
Jul 17 to Sep 17Oct 17 to Dec 170.94
Oct 17 to Dec 17Jan 18 to Mar 181.02
Jan 18 to Mar 18Apr 18 to Jun 182.45
Apr 18 to Jun 18Jul 18 to Sep 18(0.63)
Jul 18 to Sep 18Oct 18 to Dec 182.38
Oct 18 to Dec 18Jan 19 to Mar 193.28
Jan 19 to Mar 19Apr 19 to Jun 19(3.94)
Apr 19 to Jun 19Jul 19 to Sep 190.78NEPRA’s decision on quarterly tariff variation dated March 10, 2021 & March 1, 2022
Jul 19 to Sep 19Oct 19 to Dec 191.97
Oct 19 to Dec 19Jan 20 to Mar 20(0.02)
Oct 19 to Dec 19 – Mid Term Review adjustment*Jan 20 onwards(0.22)
Jan 20 to Mar 20Apr 20 to Jun 200.61
Apr 20 to Jun 20Jul 20 to Sep 20(5.65)NEPRA’s decision on quarterly tariff variation dated March 30, 2022
Jul 20 to Sep 20Oct 20 to Dec 202.27
Oct 20 to Dec 20Jan 21 to Mar 213.30
Jan 21 to Mar 21Apr 21 to Jun 211.33NEPRA’s decision on quarterly tariff variation dated June 08, 2022
Apr 21 to Jun 21Jul 21 to Sep 21(0.95)
Jul 21 to Sep 21Oct 21 to Dec 216.49
Oct 21 to Dec 21Jan 22 to Mar 22(0.47)
Jan 22 to Mar 22Apr 22 to Jun 223.55NEPRA’s decision on quarterly variation dated July 22, 2022
Apr 22 to Jun 22Jul 22 to Sep 2212.71NEPRA’s decision on quarterly variation dated October 24, 2022
Jul 22 to Sep 22Oct 22 to Dec 22(9.14)NEPRA’s decision on quarterly variation dated Aug 04, 2023
Oct 22 to Dec 22Jan 23 to Mar 23(7.37)
Jan 23 to Mar 23Apr 23 to Jun 236.95NEPRA’s decision on quarterly variation dated Jan 01, 2024

*One time adjustment of (PKR 4.20/kWh) included in October to Dec 2019 SoT.

Note: Quarterly Variations determined with NEPRA and pending for notification. Considering uniform tariff policy, the impact of these variations is expected to fall in Tariff Differential Subsidy and final decision in this regard will be taken by GoP post determination by NEPRA.

Quarterly Tariff Adjustments (QTA) To Maintain Uniform Tariff Across The Country

Following are the Quarterly Tariff Adjustments applicable on XWDISCOS which are yet to be notified by MoE for application on KE consumers:

QuarterQuarterly Adjustment
Applicable Period
Recovery Period for KE Consumers
As and when required


As and when required

Tariff Calculator (Residential Only)


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