KARACHI, October 16, 2023: Power supply to Karachi was partially impacted due to a temporary fault in the 500 kV NKI-Jamshoro circuit of the National Grid, Spokesperson KE informed through a press statement. KE teams remained in close coordination with NTDC authorities, and NTDC maintenance teams had already begun restoration efforts on the affected circuit.
During this period, KE expected a slight increase in the shortfall between demand and supply. At the time of writing, to bridge the gap and maintain system stability, the company has had to undertake load management of under one hour in a few loadshed exempt areas at a time. Updates regarding this situation are being shared with customers through KE Live App and social media channels.
Spokesperson KE emphasized that this is a temporary measure while also assuring that the company is making efforts to ensure availability of power through alternate sources.
About K-Electric
K-Electric (KE) is a public listed company incorporated in Pakistan in 1913 as KESC. Privatized in 2005 KE is the only vertically integrated utility in Pakistan supplying electricity within a 6500 square kilometers territory including Karachi and its adjoining areas. The majority shares (66.4%) of the company are listed in the PSX owned by KES Power, a consortium of investors including Aljomaih Power Limited of Saudi Arabia, National Industries Group (Holding), Kuwait, and the Infrastructure and Growth Capital Fund (IGCF). The Government of Pakistan is also a minority shareholder (24.36%) in the company.