The KE annual KHI Awards seek to honour and support organisations that are making a significant impact on the city of Karachi, its people, and environment. Learn about the projects KE supported in 2024 here.
The Awards encompass 14 categories that cover a diverse range of areas that impact Karachi. Please select the category that is best aligned with your organisation’s project*.
*Please note that you can only apply for one category per project. However, as an organisation, you can apply for up to two categories for two separate projects.
Organisation’s Requirements:
- The Awards are for not-for-profit organisations, social enterprises, or other entities involved in social and environmental impact projects or services in Karachi, Dhabeji and Gharo in Sindh, and Uthal, Vinder and Bela in Balochistan. Social enterprises and other entities need to demonstrate a clear commitment to social impact.
- Social or environmental impact needs to be the core mission of the organisation. Entities affiliated with private for-profit organisations (such as CSR or Foundation arms of companies) will not be considered.
- The applying organisation’s proposed project shall be within Karachi and/or its adjoining areas within Sindh and Balochistan falling within KE’s service territory.
- The applying organisation should not have any outstanding electricity dues or be involved in any dispute or litigation with KE.
- The applying organisation should not have any affiliation with any political or religious party.
- The applying organisation must not be currently serving or partnering with KE in any commercial business capacity or have any affiliation with KE and/or be employed by KE (with the exception of KHI Awards 2023-2024 winners).
- The organisation must be able to provide the following mandatory documents, as required in the applicant form:
Please ensure the following documents are available before proceeding with the form:
- High resolution JPEG/PNG Logo of your organisation
- A High resolution image best portraying the work and impact of your organisation
- Registration Certificate of your organisation
- Tax Certificate: NTN/ Tax Exemption*
- Last Paid KE Bill
- Project Budget
- Latest Audit Report*
- Form A & Form 29 (entities registered with SECP)
- Board Members Profile (name and designation)
- Team Lead / Project team names and profiles (50 words)
- Project Presentation required in the given template. Click Here to download
* Entrants applying under New entities and Community-based Organizations (CBOs) are exempt from submitting NTN/Tax exemption and may submit Latest Financial Statement if Audit report is not available.
If needed, KE management may require additional / missing documents in support of the projects submitted by applicant organisations.
Project Requirements:
- The projects must be based on specific timelines and measurable KPIs i.e. project extending up to June 2026.
- Projects can be partnerships, funding models and/or projects in affiliation with public entities – but the same must be declared in the form.
- The Award can be applied for a new proposed project/initiative duly supported by credentials, as well as an ongoing project/initiative. Such projects/initiatives may include a standalone initiative forming part of a larger project.
- Ongoing day to day operations of any applicant entity shall not be eligible for funding under this award.
- The project must be relevant to the category it has been applied for.
- The Award shall be valid for a period of 12 months from the date of grant of the Awards, or at the discretion of KE.
- An organisation applying for an Award can apply for up-to two categories. However, the same project cannot be submitted in more than one category.
- The Award amount granted shall be based on the average electricity consumption capacity of the organisation and the project it has applied for.
- The Award amount shall be in the form of rebates for electricity bills of the office or other physical sites on the winner organisation. The Award amount must be utilized against the project’s KPIs (which must be measurable) and milestones as identified at time of application.
- The shortlisted applicants shall undergo an independent and predefined jury selection process; comprising of members with prominent public / social sector backgrounds.
- In the event the organisation after receiving an Award fails to complete, commence and/or operate the project and meet the project milestones / KPIs, KE reserves the right in its sole discretion to withdraw the respective Award with immediate effect without incurring any liabilities whatsoever.
- The winning organisation shall provide required information, documentation in support of the expenditure incurred in relation to the project and/or organisation, required to assess proper and transparent utilization of the Award amount. The above will be an audited process, lead by an independent auditor at quarterly intervals, or as defined by KE management.
- The terms and conditions as specified hereinabove are subject to review by KE at any time during the process of grant of Awards or during the validity period of the Awards.
- It shall be KE management’s discretion to take all decisions, including to change rules of the Award, such as recategorize categories, split categories, add additional awards, decide value of additional awards, deny award to any entrant etc. under the terms and conditions of the Award.
- Inability to provide any of the documents termed as mandatory in the award application form or provision of incorrect information shall deem the applicant ineligible for the awards.
- In the case that you are a winning organisation from the inaugural KHI Awards, you may not apply for the same project that won last in the first edition, even though it may be continuous. However, you can apply for a different, new project.
Mandatory Documents
- What kind of organisations qualify for the awards?
- What are the mandatory documents required?
- High resolution JPEG/PNG Logo of your organisation
- A High resolution image best portraying the work and impact of your organisation
- Registration Certificate of your organisation
- Tax Certificate: NTN/ Tax Exemption*
- Last Paid KE Bill
- Project Budget
- Latest Audit Report*
- Form A & Form 29 (entities registered with SECP)
- Board Members Profile (name and designation)
- Team Lead / Project team names and profiles (50 words)
- Project Presentation required in the given template. Click Here to download
- How can an organisation apply for the Award?
- You can apply for the KHI Awards through the application form link: Click Here
- How many Awards are available with each category?
- If I win, how will the Award amount I receive be determined?
- What if my organisation does not have its financial statements audited?
- What is expected of the winning organisation?
- If my organisation is registered out of KE service territory, can I still apply?
- Can I apply for more than one category?
- What will be KE’s stake in the project that shall win the award?
- I have a question that is not answered here. Please help?
- Does my organisation need to be registered? (only exception for startups (less than 12 months)?
The Awards are for not-for-profit organisations, social enterprises, or other entities involved in social and environmental impact projects or services in Karachi, Dhabeji and Gharo in Sindh, and Uthal, Vinder and Bela in Balochistan. Social enterprises and other entities need to demonstrate a clear commitment to social impact. Foundations associated with a business and CSR arms of companies are not eligible to apply.
The organisation must be able to provide the following mandatory documents, as required in the applicant form:
Please ensure the following documents are available before proceeding with the form:
* Entrants applying under New entities and Community-based Organizations (CBOs) are exempt from submitting NTN/Tax exemption and may submit Latest Financial Statement if Audit report is not available.
More than one Award is available within each category. Award amounts within a category can differ.
The Award amount granted is dependent on the Jury’s decision. The actual amount disbursed during the one-year grant will be dependent on the organisation’s meeting the milestones for the project and will be provided in cash against the organisations’s electricity bills determined in the MoU.
The entire KHI Awards process including selection of winner and disbursement of the Award amount is audited by an independent third party. This is done to ensure transparency and adherence to high ethical standards. Therefore, if the organisation’s financial statements are not audited, they should be complete and include total and net assets of the organisation, and deficit/surplus of income over expenditure for the year.
Congratulation letters will be shared with the winning organisations that will include all expectations to meet Award disbursement requirements. Communication will be done with the POC identified in the applicant form.
The project submitted in the application must be based in KE’s service territory, even if the organisation is not.
You can only apply for one category per project. Therefore, be very sure of what category the project falls in. However, as an organisation with multiple projects, you can apply for a maximum of two separate categories for two separate projects.
KE will have the branding rights to brand the project and the organisation will be required to recognize and endorse KE as sponsors of the project in all external communication and brand collaterals.
For any additional queries, please feel free to email
Yes, your organisation must be registered and the proof of registration should be attached in the mandatory documents as required. The only exception provided is in the case of startups (organisations less than a year old).

- December 1
Applications open
Applications open
December 1, 2024 - January 3
Application Closed
Application Closed
January 3, 2025 - January 23
Shortlisted Candidates meet with Jury
Shortlisted Candidates meet with Jury
January 23, 2025
Any Administration expenses given in the project budget must have a supporting justification. Such expenses cannot exceed 10% of the total project budget, nor can they include salaries and staff expenses. POC will be responsible for marketing and communication related aspects including but not limited to facilitating the KE team as and where required for the Awards application. Any justified exception to any documentation requirements above for any organisations may be allowed by the jury at the time of assessing the application for Awards.
KE reserves the right to re-categorise entries, split/redefine categories of Awards and/or refuse entry in the Awards application process at any time. Further, KE reserves the right to accept or reject any or all the nominations/applications for Awards and/or annul the entire process of grant of Awards without assigning any reason whatsoever. KE shall not be liable for any expenses and/or costs incurred by the interested parties/organisations as a result thereof. In no circumstances will KE be liable for any cost, expense, loss, claim or damage arising out or in connection with an applicant/organisation’s participation in this process for grant of Awards, or any subsequent process/documentation in relation thereto. KE shall not be liable for any costs incurred by any applicant/organisation in the preparation and submission of the application for Awards. The submission of an application for Awards does not give rise to any commitment or legal relationship between KE and any applicant/organisation.
Please click on the following link to apply for the Awards: Click here
Please click on the following link to download presentation format: Click here