Stakeholder Engagement - K-Electric

Stakeholder Engagement

KE’s stakeholders are the various individuals or corporations the Company interacts with and hold a stake, or interest, in the Company’s progress. Engagement with stakeholders ensures all parties mutually align their synergies to fulfill each other’s best interests.

Public Affairs & Government Relations

To deliver value to its stakeholders and the general public, KE maintains bilateral communication with the government as well as Karachi’s civic agencies. The Company is focused on timely dissemination of information whilst managing its connections with the public and government bodies through three sub-teams, Public Affairs & Government Relations, CEO Taskforce and Technical Liaison.

The Public Affairs & Government Relations team engages stakeholders from all the governing bodies of Pakistan to ensure mutual benefits by liaising between these external stakeholders with internal departments.

The Technical Liaison team has been allocated responsibilities that include but are not limited to planning and development of KE’s infrastructure in the coverage area. By liaising with governing and civic agencies, Technical Liaison has built progressive relationships that promote advancements.

CEO taskforce performs surveys and cross analysis of Speak up cases / Special assignments, survey Operations/Complaint Centers to review overall activities / process, identify discrepancies in KE network such as illegal Kunda/theft cases, idle PMTs, faulty PMTs, faulty RMUs, substation discrepancies and other miscellaneous discrepancies.


KE is a public limited company listed on the Pakistan Stock Exchange (PSX). The Company is primarily regulated by the Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP) and PSX. KE also falls under the regulatory purview of the Central Depository Company of Pakistan (CDC), and is governed under the provisions of Companies Act 2017; Securities Act 2015; PSX Regulations; Listed Companies (Code of Corporate Governance) Regulations; Central Depositories Act 1997 and other applicable laws. Certain dealings of the Company (through its authorised banking dealers) also fall under the regulatory purview of the State Bank of Pakistan. As a power utility, KE is also regulated by the National Electric Power Regulatory Authority (NEPRA), under the provisions of NEPRA Act 1997 and related rules and regulations framed thereunder.

The Government of Pakistan (GOP) through Ministry of Energy (Power Division) notifies the consumer-end tariff considering the Uniform Tariff Policy and socio-economic policy objectives, and the Company remains fully compliant with notifications and directives issued by the GOP from time to time. Moreover, GOP also issues policies and guidelines for the entire power sector, and the Company remains in close collaboration with relevant stakeholders on this front.

The guiding principle of KE’s policy for relationship and engagement with all the regulators is based on mutual respect, legal and regulatory compliance in letter and spirit and disclosure and dissemination of material information in a timely manner to ensure transparency at all levels. Interaction and engagement with SECP and PSX are quite frequent primarily in relation to announcements of financial results, changes in Board of Directors and management, disclosure of material and price sensitive information and filing of corporate/statutory returns etc.

The Company gives due importance to request for any information/document or query routed through the said regulators and promptly responds. Whereas scope of NEPRA’s engagement is wider, encompassing public hearing on tariff and licensing related issues in addition to bilateral communications, discussions, and meetings.

Institutional & Other Investors

The Company respects and recognizes the role and importance of institutional and other investors, both present and prospective. To facilitate them, it is ensured that all Company related information and key operational and financial data are updated on KE’s website on regular basis. The Company holds analyst briefing sessions on a regular basis in which active and meaningful participation of institutional and retail investors is encouraged and the Company values their views and suggestions to further improve its performance to benefit all its stakeholders.

Keeping investor best-interests in mind, price-sensitive information is timely reported to the PSX. The “Investor Information“, “Investors Media” and “Investor Relations” sections on the KE website also share relevant details for all investors. The Company entertains all requests for information made through KE’s Share Registrar.

Banks And Other Lenders

KE frequently engages with local and international banks, DFIs, capital market investors and Export Credit Agencies (ECAs), to explore financing options and to keep them apprised of the progress on various ongoing and upcoming projects and strategic initiatives.

Financial, and other relevant information is shared with lenders as per their reporting requirements and on a need-to-know basis. KE perceives financial institutions and ECAs as important stakeholders and takes necessary steps to ensure that a healthy working relationship is maintained on mutual respect. Resultantly, major commercial banks, capital market investors and foreign institutions including Nederlanse Financierings-Maatschappij Voor Ontwikkelingslanden N.V. (FMO), Proparco, GuarantCo, Sinosure and Hermes have shown confidence in KE over the years through continued investment and participation in the power utility’s financing initiatives.


As a vertically integrated power utility, KE has a unique relationship with vendors supplying to its three business verticals and support functions. Vendors and the quality of the products/services they provide play a key role in ensuring that the Company can power the economic hub of the nation.

In line with global best practices, KE is moving beyond the transactional dimensions of supply chain and building strategic partnerships with its suppliers in order to ensure higher product quality, improved planning and greater supplier support which significantly improve the whole KE value chain. By embedding technology in Company’s processes, we are now geared up to take our supplier management and supplier partnership to the next level, thus increasing transparency, visibility and reducing variability.

Our suppliers can now effectively monitor their business prospects, receive timely updates about case developments, all through a click of a button on their dedicated dashboards from the comfort of their offices. This level of synergy between KE and its suppliers will ultimately benefit our consumers and in turn enable us to become the company of choice for its consumers.


KE is actively engaged with media stakeholders throughout the year. Using hybrid platforms (electronic, print & digital), KE keeps all stakeholders, including its customers, abreast of the latest developments regarding the power sector, its challenges, investment initiatives, and overall progress. The power utility regularly engages with business and energy sector reporters through briefing sessions, press conferences and engagement sessions


As an organisation, KE faces pivotal changes to customer expectations, city dynamics, regulations, employee needs and even environmental systems. Our continued success depends on our ability to seamlessly adapt our systems to align ourselves with these new realities.

With this vision, “Paish Qadam” was launched as KE’s new internal communications identity. With a forward-thinking approach, Paish Qadam is a paradigm shift

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